Folds of Honor - Military Scholarship

Applicant must be enrolled or planning to enroll in a program of study at an accredited
college or university (2 year, 4 year, or post graduate program), or enrolled or planning to
enroll in an accredited technical or trade school program, which results in a certificate or
AND Dependent or Spouse of a Service Member (Information needed, with applicable
the documentation listed below):
Current Military ID – must provide a copy of front and back (must show service
member as sponsor) OR State-Issued Birth Certificate (listing service member as
a parent) AND one of the below, IF APPLICABLE:

  • State-Issued Marriage License (if step-child of the service member)
  • Legal adoption papers (if adopted child of the service member)
  • Legal guardianship document (if legal ward of the service member)

Current Military ID – must provide front and back (must show service member as
sponsor) OR State-Issued Marriage License. (Service Member Spouse can be
remarried and will need to provide deceased spouse’s military service document.
Spouse is no longer eligible if legally separated or divorced.)

Up to $5,000